You've probably already thought about slipping into a different role or dressing up in a sexy disguise. Sexy costumes aren't your thing and you want to keep it subtle. Then erotic masks are just the thing for you.

I see what you don't see

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Have you heard that before? You've probably already realised that a lot of naked skin is all well and good and can put you in a certain mood. But one look can make you melt. Nothing shows emotions like the eyes. You can emphasise them by covering up the area around them and highlighting only them. Great advantage: you feel more confident. As soon as everything is no longer visible, you are different. You can let yourself go completely and beguile the other person with your eyes and new movements and previously hidden character traits. I see you, but you don't see everything of me. And you are already freer and can let yourself go completely. Sexy masks are a mysterious highlight for those who want subtle but effective variety.