Only a true gamer knows it. The feeling of cool dice against heated skin. The adrenaline rush of throwing. The click on the table. The onset of reality; the dice have been rolled. The decision has been made. Your fate is sealed. And what does it hold? Which sides will be shown? With love dice, the outcome is clear: it's going to be tingly.

Eroticism is chance

Hardly anything can be compared to the unknown in terms of its intensity and seductive effect. What happens? What will I get? What can I do? What can I experience? Suspense puts you in a state of wonder and excitement. If you can experience this with your partner, you belong to the lucky group. Love dice have printed sides that clearly tell you the rules and still provide surprises. They show you exactly what you are allowed to do. Keep it exciting. Set rules. Except for what is indicated, nothing may be done, nothing may be touched. You sit in front of your partner full of joyful excitement and play for your life. Heated glances fly around the room, your breath is held, the die is cast. A very simple utensil, small objects, become a means of driving you mad. You can hardly escape the magic of eroticism, as you eagerly wait to finally get to the place you've wanted for so long. Practise patience and enjoy it as soon as you get it. Roll the dice to reach your goal.