Your Sedusia Magazine

Seductive, erotic content & topics worth knowing

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kondom nutzen

Das Kondom richtig anwenden!

Du bist neugierig, wie du dein Liebesspiel noch sicherer gestalten kannst? Schließlich geht es nicht nur um den Spaß, sondern auch um die Sicherheit – und da kommst du gerade richtig. Lass uns gemeinsam in die Welt des sicheren Vergnügens eintauchen und herausfinden, wie du das Kondom richtig anwendest.

Orgasmus rauszögern

How to delay your orgasm

Have you ever landed in seventh heaven after what felt like 15 seconds and wondered if it could take a little longer? Don't worry, you're not alone! We know how frustrating it can be when the climax comes quicker than expected. If you identify with this, then you've come to the right place.

Liebeskugeln anwenden

Use love balls: Fun and training at the same time!

Self-confidence, intimacy and fun in the bedroom are important aspects of a fulfilling sexuality. And that is exactly the reason why more and more people are interested in using love balls. The world of eroticism has so many exciting possibilities to offer, and love balls are one of them that appeals to both women and men alike.